
Terms of Service

Artist Rights

ღ I retain all rights and copyright to the commissioned piece and will use them in future advertisements unless requested by the commissioner not to.
ღ I may upload any commissioned piece to personal social media.
ღ I may refund commissions at any time. Refunds will be paid in full and accompanied with a reason. More info on refunds will be listed below.
ღ I reserve the right to blacklist any person for any reason given.
ღ I reserve the right to decline a commission if a character does not belong to the client or no prior permission to commission is given. This does not apply to public figures (TV show characters, major furry characters, etc.)

Client Rights

ღ Clients may inquire about the commission progress at any given time.
ღ Clients may request a cancellation/refunds at any time. However, the cancellation/refund process will differ depending on the completion status of the commission. More info will be stated below.
ღ The Client should be the ONLY person besides the artist with a copy of the unsigned image. So the client should only post the signed version of the artwork to social media if possible.


ღ All payments will be paid using a Paypal invoice, Stripe or Square.
All payments will be in USD currency.
ღ Commissions may not receive finished work until total payment is received.
ღ 50% payment is expected before I begin working on your commission.
ღ I do not take payment plans under $200, as Paypal takes a fee from every payment. Payment plans under this amount will be responsible for fees.



ღ Clients may ask for revisions at any time prior to the lining process. This includes:
- Position changes
- Character changes/inserts (+25% - of base charge)
- Full color changes
- Item changes/inserts
ღ If any of these are changed more than 3 times, there is a chance that you may be charged for the additional time taken. This charge will be a 10% charge based on your base charge.ღ All corrections can be made before lining. Please take your time when looking over it.ღ Any line changes after I have started coloring will either be refused or a $5-10 charge may be applied.
*Price depends on how complex the change is.
ღ You may make 1 major change during the sketch. This includes:
-Character change
-Position Change (half/full body)
Any major changes after will have an $5 charge applied.
ღ Clients will not receive the finished product until after all payments have been made, this includes revision charges.ღ Any unused positions sketched out from the commission process are not yours to keep. You will have no rights to them unless you have paid for them.ღ Completed Commissions will only be held for 30 days post completion. Any changes requested after completetion will have a $10-20 charge depending on the change.


ღ Cancellation is always available during any time of commissioning.ღ Full refunds are always available before the finish of lined work is finished and an update is given.ღ Partial refunds are available after the lined work is finished and an update is given.ღ If it is found that you have commissioned someone's character without their permission, you will not be refunded your down payment (50%) but only in the case that the work has already started. This excludes gift art
- You will be blacklisted, this is public with reason/evidence.
- It will be reported to the characters’ owner, if they have not already been informed.
When looking for the completion of your commission, please refer to the Trello as it will show the percentage that is completed of your commission. If a refund is requested, the total will reflect how muhc has been done.
Example: A refund requested after shading has started, will recieve a 25% refund.
Example: A refund requested after coloring has started, will recieve a 50% refund.

Commission Process

ღ Commission forms will be regarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.ღ I will send you an invoice, the due date set on it is the rough estimate of when i would be able to start your commission but it is not a solid date. You may pay before that date.
ღ While we discuss, an invoice and Trello card will be created and sent to you with the appropriate tags.
ღ Unfortunately, I do not have a solid turn-around time frame. I do have a child that I care for full-time. And her schedule is constantly changing. Patience is greatly appreciated.
You can also see the times/days that I do try to work on commissions below actively
Commissioners will get a WIP update during:
- Rough Sketch
- Solid Sketch
- Colored
ღ Due to increased difficulty, there will be a complexity fee added to full body and icon characters with no references.
- Icon/Badge: +$5
- Full Body: +$10


ღ I will blacklist any person that I believe will entice some sort of negative impact on my reputation, common sense and respect.ღ You will be blacklisted if you have been posted on an artist beware with solid evidence.ღ You will be blacklisted and posted on artist beware sites if you reverse your payment to me after receiving your finished art.ღ As stated above you will be blacklisted if you have used another persons character without proper permissions.

By commissioning me, you agree that you have read the above terms and you agree to them.

©WasabiK. All rights reserved.